Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How To Finish Well

In John 13:1 we read, "Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end." He "loved them to the end," in other words: he finished well!

What's the secret to finishing well? I think this aspiration lies buried in the heart of every image bearer of God. After all, who ever articulated a desire to limp through life and eventually quit never getting an opportunity to wear the victor's crown?

In John 13 we see in the person of Jesus the keys to finishing well. First, Jesus was able to finish well because he knew for certain where he was going-"to the Father." There was no ambiguity as to what awaited Jesus beyond the grave so he didn't have to hedge his bets. He could live fully, investing in the lives of others this side of heaven, because of his certain destination. 

Second, Jesus was able to finish well because he knew for certain what awaited him-"the possession of all things!" John 13:3 states, "Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands..." In other words, Jesus knew that the creed "he who dies with the most toys wins" was a lie! Jesus knew that the Father had given him "all things" already so he didn't have to grope feverishly for stuff in this life. 

So, how do we finish well? That's great for Jesus, but what about us?

Well, good news here. God's Word tells us that we are co-heirs with Christ! (Romans 8:17) And because we are co-heirs with Christ that means we have the same destination upon completion of our earthbound journey. And, not only do we have the same destination, but the same inheritance awaiting us. Be utterly amazed!

I'm humbled by the gap that exists in my own faithful running of this race and that of Christ's. Do we truly believe with all our heart, soul, strength and mind what we now possess because of our union with Christ by faith? The more we believe, the greater capacity we have to finish well!

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